First Post

Here's my story.  1.  I dislike computers and anything technical that I don't understand.  Creating and maintaining a blog falls into this category.  2.  I love making cards and have recently really gotten into it (thank you, Miesje) and have  discovered that I can enter my cards onto websites and win money to spend on more card-making supplies. 3.  According to Miesje, my sister, in order to enter my cards onto these websites, I need a blog.  At least it is easier if I have one.  This is debatable.  (see number 1.)
So, I have to start somewhere...and this is it; my first post.  Wish me luck!

(Wow!  The picture posted, and it only took me 2 tries!)


  1. You can do anything you set your mind to. I've witnessed it! You'll do this well!


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